Monday, March 31, 2008

Endorsements mean something

When I consider endorsements for candidates like senators Obama, Clinton, and McCain I generally discount their importance. Often these endorsements are made because of back room deals, in-state political reasons, or intricate insider calculus and one may question their sincerity. But, when endorsements are made in local and regional races, it is more than likely because of personal connections, trust, friendship, and because of an awareness of the local landscape.
I thought I'd peck around to see what coarse cracked endorsements Sam Rasoul and Drew Richardson have picked up so far. My list probably isn't complete and each candidate will probably add names over the next weeks. Here's what I have found so far (please let me know if you know of others):
Sam's endorsements
Evelyn Powers, Roanoke City Treasurer
Sherry Stanley, former Chair of the VA Green Party
Hirley Kothemeimer, Chair of Roanoke Valley Democratic Women
Jim Fain, Chair of Botetourt Co. Democratic Committee
Tom Long, Chair of Augusta Co. Democratic Committee
Charlotte Moore, Roanoke Co. Board of Supervisors
Joe Fitzgerald, former Harrisonburg mayor 
Nelson Harris, Roanoke mayor
Drew's endorsements
At this time I know of none.
A year and a half ago, neither of these gentlemen were known to 6th District Democrats. Sam got a long head start and Drew joined the race early in 2008. They've visited committees, made speeches, appeared at a couple forums, eaten all sorts of hors d' oeuvres, engaged in one-on-one talk, and shook lots of hands. I hope they've also done some listening.
Obviously, one candidate has made a connection with some local Democrats while the other apparently hasn't . . . yet. There are a lot of local leaders and many more Democrats who haven't taken a public position. Only three weeks until the local caucuses. Time for local leaders to . . . lead.


  1. Don't forget Al Weed. He endorsed Sam last week.

  2. Thanks for the reminder about Al's endorsement. I was concentrating on those within the 6th district.

  3. Sam Rasoul has picked up a couple endorsements on Apr 3-

    Joel Segal, co-founder of Progressive Democrats of America

    Brian Lang, Chair of the Roanoke County Democrats.
