Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Kurt's clucking

Kurt Michael, one "chair" of the Augusta GOP, says he'll step down after the May 3 Sixth District Convention - step down from a phantom chair, I guess. Larry Roller, the other "chair" of the Augusta GOP announced a meeting by way of a letter to the editor - doubt that follows protocol. Fred Anderson, the chair (he really is) of the Sixth District says he'll resolve the chairmanship of the Augusta Republicans by the time of the convention. He knows a fight in the hen house won't be resolved by the hens themselves. What he won't resolve are the bitter (popular political word these days) feelings running rampant among the party faithful. One needs only read a few local blogs like Lynn Mitchell's swacgirl to know how deeply divided the party is between what I'll call "responsible Republicans" and the "reactionary Republicans." Would be nice to be a mouse in the Sixth District Convention which promises to be a fowl affair. My bet is the hens, led by Capt. Kurt, will still be clucking . . . and spreading litter.
In contrast, Sixth District Democrats seem a pretty calm bunch. Sure, there was a dust-up about local leadership in the Roanoke area, but for the most part their local committees seem united for the fall campaign. Reports are that attendance and donations are up. A potentially divisive nomination fight for House of Representatives was averted with Drew Richardson's gracious withdrawal. Valley Democrats appear to be enthusiastic in support of Sam Rasoul for Congress and Mark Warner for Senate.
Remember Will Rogers' quote about "I belong to no organized political party - I am a Democrat?" I'm sure they'll get in their own intra-party scuffle at some point, but Rogers' sentiments don't seem to be holding true in '08.

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