Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Scrambled Eggs

At the Democratic "debate" in Harrisonburg last night, Sam Rasoul and Drew Richardson laid out their views on issues. Not much of a "debate" because they really aren't all that far apart on the key issues. So according to the Daily News-Record account, the main discussion was electability. Richardson touted his age (56) and experience (FBI) as the keys to winning. On the other hand, Rasoul pointed to his year-long campaign and hard work for the party that has brought him into contact with every part of the sprawling 6th District.
A strong Democrats may be able unseat Goodlatte - nationally the issues like Iraq, the mortgage meltdown, the economy, health care.... and many others favor Democrats. In Virginia, a ticket lead by Mark Warner will be strong.
But, a reality check. There is a fox in the henhouse. Unseating an entrenched incumbent is tough - they win about 90% of the time. Goodlatte has money in the bank and friends with lots of laying mash to keep that feeder full. And we all know there are a lots of GOP clucks in the district who will keep peckin' they way they always have. What I am saying is this: which candidate Rasoul or Richardson, is in this race for the long haul? Which one will attend the county fairs, the committee meetings, the community dinners, the parades, and all the other things that will be necessary to introduce himself to the voters and win their hearts, minds, and votes? If he should come up short on Election Day, which candidate will be around afterwards working for Democrats and the issues which we care deeply about? Which one may see a loss as an opportunity to run again, build on his base, and win? Peck, peck...

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