Sunday, June 22, 2008

Cleaning up the hen house

The Sierra Club is the oldest grassroots organization fighting for the environment. With over 1.3 million supporters, the Sierra Club it is one of the most influential voices in our nation's capitol. Currently it is pushing Congress for leadership on clean energy, fighting global warming, and raising fuel standards for cars and trucks. The Shenandoah Group of the Sierra Club has recently hosted forums on wind power and on railroads as an alternative widening I-81.
Do you know where the 6th CD candidates stand on issues affecting the environment? What should Congress do about global warming? Clean energy? Clean rivers? Unfortunately, I've heard too little from them about environmental issues facing the nation. Bob Goodlatte is claiming some credit for the Chesapeake Bay restoration provisions in the recent Ag Bill, but he was pretty much a late bird on that one. According to League of Conservation Voters, Goodlatte has one of worst environmental records going, scoring 0% in the 1st session of 110th Congress and 0% in the 109th Congress (it doesn't get much better in previous terms). Sam Rasoul's website has only minimal discussion on environmental issues.
Voters should demand these candidates talk plainly and honestly about global warming, energy, clean water, and other environmental issues that will face the 111th Congress and beyond. Issues that will affect the quality of life here, in the Shenandoah Valley - one of the most beautiful places on planet Earth.
Maybe the Shenandoah Group can partner with other environmental organizations to host a candidates' forum (or a series of them throughout the district) specifically on these issues?
It is time to clean out the hen house. Or at least begin talking about it!

1 comment:

  1. Hello Fellow Friend of Mother Earth,

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    Clean energy that helps to rid our dependance on fossil fuels and provides jobs. Happy to join any forum.
