Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Energy Eggs II

Local news coverage on the impact of fuel costs on schools, especially rural divisions with long bus routes (all counties in the 6th District), prompted these thoughts:
  • Cut back on nondistrict athletic contests and other extracurricular activities, especially ones more than 75 miles away.
  • Bus stops should be no closer than 500 feet apart. I, and a line of cars, frequently stopped three times within 300 feet to pick up students in a village. All of us, and the bus, idling and wasting gas at each stop. Students don't deserve door-to-door service and can walk several hundred feet. Exceptions should certainly be made for safety reasons.
  • School divisions should consider bus routes only on main roads. Parents should be responsible to getting students to stops at the entrance to subdivisions, etc.
  • A four-day school week would offer many energy efficiencies for schools. But, the negatives may outweigh the positives.
What are your fuel efficient thoughts?


  1. The real problem here is that you've forgotten about the forgotten classes again; it's okay, Democratic and Republican know-nothings do that. Fear not, with training and dedication, you too can become a viable theorist.

    Four day work weeks would be great, I'm in favor of the 35-hour week that has worked in France (along with federally mandated vacation days for all). But off tangent, while students would get time off, maintenance and security staff would still have to show up-their jobs are never done.

    They are also people who more often than not live in rural areas because they don't get paid enough to live in populated regions. So they'd have to, if you had your way, drop their kids off at a collective area-or face what? The truancy officers and school officials.

    We're Democrats, we want to make it as easy as possible for children to get to school-not harder. The better educated you are the less likely you are to do drugs, commit violent crimes, and ahem, VOTE DEMOCRATIC.

    Again, stop blathering until you become a member of the party or at least read the wikipedia page for the Democratic party.

    Have you considered concentrating your time on stopping oil speculating? Or lobbying the big three on an electric or (cheap) hybrid car? We're trying up here, but it's going to take popular demand before anything really happens.

  2. I guess L-L has never heard of personal responsibility; think globally, act locally? Higher fuel efficiency would be great; regulating the speculators would be great, too. But the point is: what can we all do RIGHT NOW to conserve energy. For a wonk wannabe, L-L, you sure are short on ideas.

  3. Whoa Truth, what can you do right now? Trade in that SUV you've got in the drive way.

    I'm not short on idea, I'm short on hope for a group of active "Democrats" that cannot seem to get it together against an easy enemy. You're busy being mad at me when you should be shouting every chance you get every time Goodlatte votes no ona good bill.

    Geez, there can't be that many people brainwashed into believing that recession, the housing market, food and gas prices are good for them.

    "Think Global, act local" is a great term from 1969. You'd think (generalization here) that you baby boomers would ahve solved things by now. Since you haven't THAT SLOGAN OBVIOUSLY DOESN'T WORK. So stop thinking about slogans and start making Change.

    We have a leader, we have a clear message. Act.

    Any of you can say whatever you like about me and my life in D.C.-call me a wannabe, call me an outsider, tell me I'm wrong, do whatever you want...I'm the one in the door, you're not. But you're going to lose, not because the candidate isn't good, or because there aren't enough Dems, but because you can't look past your own local sectionalism.
