Wednesday, July 16, 2008

High priced corn

Mark Warner, who is making some stops in the Valley on Thursday, has far out raised and out spent his opponent. Warner has raised a total of about $9.3 million; Jim Gilmore $1.2. At the end of June, Warner has $5.1 million on-hand; Gilmore $111,000. Warner has already spent more than three times the amount Gilmore has raised in total. But, this is still chicken feed compared to what Senate races have cost in other states.
Many Republicans are wondering, as is Larry Sabato of UVA's Center for Politics, "How does he (Gilmore) get through the race?" He doesn't!
Warner released a new ad on energy yesterday which will air on several Virginia media markets, including Roanoke. If it is not in your area, you can see the ad here. Gilmore has jumped on the ad as being vague and that it "muddies" Warner's position on domestic oil drilling. Hey Jim, it is a 30-second ad!
Warner and Gilmore face off in a Virginia Bar Association debate this Sunday at The Homestead in Bath County. A Warner spokesperson said Warner will talk of positive, bipartisan achievements. The Gilmore campaign promised "to smoke him (Warner) out on some of the issues." Watch out Mark, this guy is known for using razor spurs in cockfights!
But, money doesn't vote on Election Day - people do. While I certainly haven't been to all these events, from news coverage Warner seems to be winning the war of meeting people face-to-face. A couple of events in the Valley drew 100-200 people at each. By contrast, when Gilmore traveled the I-81 corridor last week, he stopped at businesses where there was a captive audience of employees. A stop at a Roanoke Valley convenience store appeared sparsely attended - looked like more media than anyone else. There don't seem to be very many, even diehard Republicans, clucking for Gilmore!
Warner makes several Valley stops tomorrow (July 17) starting in Harrisonburg and ending the evening at the Rockbridge County Fair. He stops by the Staunton Performing Arts Center (Dixie Theater) at 3:00 PM to highlight the fine arts. Wonder if a big a flock will turn out?

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