Sunday, August 10, 2008

Flying High

The times are indeed, changin'. The News Leader's editorial, "Red state, blue state," notes that in the not so distant past, the lack of electoral competition in the Shenandoah Valley meant that area voters were often taken for granted. Confident Republicans rarely campaigned here while intimidated Democrats thought it was a "waste of time and money." 
Virginia has been trending blue for several election cycles - the statewide elections of Mark Warner, Jim Webb, and Tim Kaine as well as Democrats recapturing a majority in the Virginia Senate and gaining seats in the House of Delegates are ample evidence. Change sometimes comes more slowly to the Valley. But, with the opening of Obama headquarters in Staunton and Harrisonburg, with high energy local committees recruiting volunteers and organizing events like Paint the Valley Blue, and with a energetic campaign by congressional candidate Sam Rasoul, it is clear that two party competition is back! That is good for voters and good for democracy.
The strong competition has spawned exciting creativity as illustrated in this new sign.
Want one of these limited edition signs of your own? Email for info.

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