Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Can we trust Bob?

Can we trust Bob? Just before he was first elected, The Roanoke Times reported (May 28, 1992):
Republican congressional candidate Bob Goodlatte says he believes so strongly in term limits that he'll limit himself to 12 years in Washington, even without a constitutional amendment requiring it. "One has to be committed to achieving reforms in Washington," Goodlatte said Wednesday. "I think that simply to say you support something without standing behind it does not carry that weight."
That is one promise Bob has broken not once but several times. This year, Sam Rasoul will help Bob finally become an honest man, truly committed to the reforms he called for to win that first election, and, after 16 long years, standing behind his "strong beliefs."
Can we trust Bob? You decide! Don't be a dumb cluck.


  1. If this is the only thing that you have on Bob Goodlatte, then I say: "Way to go, Bob!" We'd be shooting ourselves in teh foot if we were to loose him and replace him w/ a man w/ a platform that's lacking in stubstance....

  2. It obviously isn't the only thing, as Belle Rose has been saying, and as lots of others have been saying, but it's representative of Goodlatte's approach to government: tell 'em what they want to hear when you're running, but then do whatever you want (and whatever the corporate donors and PACs want).

    In fact, Goodlatte is a disgrace. He's voted with George Bush 95% of the time, instead of acting in the best interests of Virginians. He voted against expanding health care for needy children. He opposed the new GI Bill. He opposes any environmental regulations. He thinks drilling is the solution to everything, when we all know it won't solve anything. Goodlatte is living in the past and it is time for new faces in Congress.

    Anonymous says Sam Rasoul's platform is lacking in substance, but that's an empty allegation--take a look at Sam Rasoul and you'll see plenty of specifics and substance. Please educate yourself.

  3. Agree with truth-teller... could not have said it better myself. Like many in Congress for a long time, Goodlatte has grown more distant from his constituents and less willing to listen to their views. He's wedded to the party line, not the folks back home. That's why change every now and then is a good thing for our democracy. He mostly goes public in very controlled settings. How about some face to face debates with Rasoul? How about some town hall meetings where he listens to other voices?
