Friday, October 10, 2008

Craig County bails on controversial Bible class

You may recall that last spring Craig County Public Schools approved a new class, "The Bible in History and Literature" that many believed crossed the line between separation of church and state. When the Craig County School Board approved the course, the ACLU of Virginia began an investigation into the board's motives and the details of the curriculum.
Recently, the Craig County superintendent notified the ACLU of Virginia that the School Board had reversed the decision to offer the controversial course. Instead, the board approved another course, "The Bible and Its Influence," which is promoted by The Bible Literacy Project. Most observers feel like the new course teaches, while the former course crossed the line into preaching
“The new course adopted by the Craig County School Board is an improvement over the one chosen earlier this year,” said ACLU of Virginia Executive Director Kent Willis. “But all religion courses in public schools require close monitoring to make certain that they are not used to proselytize students or as a means for the government to promote some religions over others.”
Congratulations to the Craig County School Board for rejecting the religious crazies, for seeing the truth, and for understanding the legal realities. And, kudos to the ACLU of Virginia for investigating and pushing the board to take a more reasonable, and legal, course of action.
For more information, visit the ACLU of Virginia.

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