Monday, April 6, 2009

The Big Number

Senator Creigh Deeds stopped by Jess' Lunch in downtown Harrisonburg on Saturday to promote his campaign for governor, talk transportation, and (I hope) enjoy a couple of the famous dogs. While other issues were on the agenda, Deeds talked transportation. Local media has been hyping up the possible rest area closures and some politicians are playing the Happy Meal fix - leasing rest area rights to private companies. While that may help keep rest areas open, Deeds knows a far more comprehensive solution is needed if Virginia is to build and maintain the kind of transportation system our future economy demands.
The DNR article mentioned Deeds is closely trailing this opponents in a recent poll. The really BIG number in the poll is the 46% undecided just two months from the primary. With Senator Deeds essentially taking January and February off during the session of the General Assembly, the amazing thing is that he is hanging right in there with Moran and McAuliffe. There seems to a little McAuliffe fatigue setting in while Deeds is enjoying a bit of a surge now that he's back on the stump.
The poll also showed Deeds as the favorite of 18-29 year old voters - many of whom were energized by the Obama campaign. His challenge will be getting them to the polls for a primary which usually has fairly low turnout. Low turnout means each of those new voters he can get to the polls carry even more weight.

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