Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Earth Day update

Earth friendly things I did today:
  • Took plastic for recycling. Since my locality doesn't collect plastic at trash collection sites, I have to go to a commercial place, but I partnered the trip with other errands. Had two big bins of plastic saved over several months.
  • Planted 6 red raspberry canes.
  • Improved my compost bin.
  • Picked up trash along a short stretch of a rural road.
  • Bought synthetic motor oil. I'm hoping it will deliver the promised fuel economy improvement and allow me to lengthen the change intervals to 5,000 - 6,000 miles (I've been kind of a fanatic about the 3,000 mile change) thereby creating less waste oil. Yes, I recycle all my used oil (and paper, cardboard, cans, glass).
And, something I did because of the environmental consequences of intensive farming in parts of the Shenandoah Valley... I ordered a UV water disinfecting system and filtration upgrades to better treat our well water. Limestone, fissures, animal poop, pesticides.... you never know what is seeping into the aquifer.
I hope you did something nice for Mother Earth today!

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