Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Green jobs, green candidates

There has been a lot of talk about "green jobs" and moving toward a "greener economy." Those terms are sometimes used pretty loosely and I often think we talk past each other, not really understanding exactly what each other means. Then there are those who deny global warming and who only want to "drill here, drill now."
While I don't expect many of that latter group to attend, the rest of us can learn a little more about green issues at a forum tonight. Perhaps we'll communicate better about issues that will affect our future. I hope to attend. Here are the details:
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
7:30pm - 9:00pm
Staunton Public Library Public Meeting Room
The emerging Green Economy offers the Shenandoah Valley one of the strongest ways to create new jobs and build local prosperity while preserving our area’s unique assets. Valley Democratic delegate candidates expected to discuss their ideas and answer questions include:
Erik Curren, 20th district
Gene Hart, 26th district
John Lesinski, 15th district
Greg Marrow 25th district
Jeff Price, 24th district
Oh yeah, I hear there will be a few refreshments, too.

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