Sunday, June 28, 2009

Jumping Cow

For Father's Day, my daughter picked up a six-pack of Jumping Cow Amber Ale from Trader Joe's. Now, I hear Trader Joe's is a great store with good prices and interesting products, however I've never been to one. I'd never heard of Jumping Cow Amber Ale made by Steinhaus Brewing Co. From a little Google investigation, it looks like Steinhaus makes a selection of modest priced brews sold mostly at the grocery. The bottle says it was brewed in New Ulm, Minnesota and is 5.5% alcohol by volume. Other sources say Steinhaus is in California.
So, what about Jumping Cow? It is a nice pale orange/amber color that kicks up a decent but light textured cream colored head which dissipates quickly leaving only a hint of lace on the glass. Mostly malt aroma with faint fruity hops. Medium to light bodied. Slightly sweet with very faint hops bitterness. In short, Jumping Cow Amber Ale goes down easily on a warm day. I'd give it one thumb up - not quite enough body or bitterness to be what I anticipate from an ale, but very nice light summer brew. My rating may have been a little lower if consumed on a crisp fall night. From what I understand, Jumping Cow costs about $5 a six-pack, so it a pretty good value for your money.
A nice Father's Day gift - thank you!

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