Friday, July 24, 2009

And the winner is...

It was Forbes, then U.S. News, now CNBC. Under the leadership of governors Mark Warner and Tim Kaine Virginia has been recognized a great state for business. If we are continue the successes, it is essential to elect Creigh Deeds as our next governor. Show your support, get your DeedsGear.


  1. Maybe Shelia Johnson knows something she endorsed both Warner and Kaine and now McDonnell she may be a smart lady.

  2. No, Anonymous. It's just that she's part of McDonnell's class war against the little people. She's too rich to care about the poor, the middle class, the working people. That doesn't make her smart--just greedy.

  3. OH wow so since she endorsed Bob McDonnell she is a bad person now ? I guess she must have turned bad since she endorsed Warner and Kaine ? Btw non truth teller she has given alot to help poor people the Democrats are the ones that want to keep poor people poor

  4. Democrats want to keep people poor? As a poor Democrat, I know with 100% certainty that this is not true. And, anonymous, there's a difference between charity and really wanting to lift people up. I didn't say Johnson was a bad person--I don't know her--but if she were on the side of the little guys, she'd be supporting Deeds. That tells me a lot.

  5. Well Non Truth Teller please tell me why your Democrat president and Congress haven't helped you out yet? If you indeed tell the truth it was George Bush that raised the minimum wage. If she was on the side you are on you would like she was great. Please tell me how she has changed since she endorsed Warner and Kaine.

  6. Ms Johnson may be a bit of a sore loser in the Democratic primary. Besides, except for Anonymous, hardly anybody is talking about her.

  7. Now would you have called her a sore loser if she had endorsed Deeds. If she doesn't matter why was Deeds working so hard to get her to endorse him ?

  8. Anon, our Democratic President and Congress HAVE helped me out by stabilizing the economy so that we will recover from the George Bush recession. And the minimum wage was raised by Congress, despite the objections of Bush and the Republican party. It's still not a living wage, though, thanks to Republican opposition.

  9. Well im glad Non Truth Teller that you do realize that we now have Democratic president and congress i just wonder how long it will take for you to realize that the Democrats don't have all the right answers maybe when we have another trillion dollars debt and they start raising taxes you will get the picture but if you are trully poor as you say you are and don't have anything or want to have anything maybe you will not see this.Maybe you are just looking for all the handouts you can get.

  10. Anonymous,
    Most people aren't looking for handouts. Most--the vast majority--poor people work hard, usually just treading water, barely. That's why the social safety net is so important. And I wonder if you worried about skyrocketing debt under Reagan? How about Bush II? Probably not. And probably you weren't impressed by Clinton's budget surplusses, either. I know Republicans want Obama to fail, even if it means sending the country deeper into the crapper that Bush got us stuck in, but I believe that when the recover begins to pick up steam, Democrats will work to eliminate the deficit--and if Obama is given enough time, he'll get us back to the Clinton-era surplus.

  11. Non Truth Teller the Clinton era is a BIG reason we are in the mess we are in now. NAFTA sent millions of jobs out of the USA and did you forget that it was Clintons little deal about putting every family in a new home that caused the housing and Bank melt downs. Obama got the stimulus passed with alot of scare tactics saying if it wasn't passed unemployment might go over 8% well hello it passed and now we are at 9.5% do you even realize we have lost over 2 million jobs since the stimulus package was passed.July will show another huge loss of jobs i wonder how long is it going to take for the Democrats to admit when it comes to creating jobs that spending a trillion dollars of borrowed money to create short term jobs is not the answer.

  12. Jeez, anon... for your wacko economics, I think you are actually reaching back to Bush #1, before the seed went bad. With the repugs controlling things for much of 2001-09 don't lay the blame anywhere but on your doorstep. Can you even spot the contradictions in your post? Guess not.

  13. Anonymous expects Obama to fix everything Bush broke and fix it in 6 months, even though it took Bush 8 years to destroy the regulatory regime that was keeping the banking industry and the housing market humming along nicely. Of course the job market has continued to decline--you can't fix these things overnight in a free market, which we still have, despite the fear-mongering that you people do. Here's a little more truth for you anonymous: you're a moron if you believe half of what you're saying.

  14. Non Truth Teller you are nothing but a party hack as long as the person has a D beside their name you think anything they do is perfect. Obama has lied so much his lies are starting to catch up with him fast but you still think he can do no wrong. You like to put GWB down so much well i hate to tell you but at this very time in the GWB presidency his poll numbers were higher. What happen to Obama giving the American people 5 days to read any bill before he signed it ? You Democrats are either ignorant or just blind to the facts. The Democrats want to blame the Republicans for not passing a health care reform bill thats pure BS the president is a Democrat and the Democrats have control over congress so please tell me how could the Republicans stop a bill ?

  15. Not so, Anon. Tracy Pyles is a Democrat, and he's making mistakes all over the place. I don't even agree with everything President Obama does, so I guess that means I don't think he's perfect. As for Clinton--there was the whole Monica thing and that was pretty dumb.

    As for approval ratings, there you go with your LIES again, Anon. Today, Obama's rating is 56%, down from a steady 60% for the past couple of months (thanks to the millions being spent by vested interests to combat health care reform). At this point in Bush's presidency, his approval rating was only 50%.

    And here's a newsflash: I agree that the administration could do a better job living up to its pledge of transparency.

  16. Wow im shocked that a Democrat admits Obama has lied as far as Obamas ratings go we REALLY must be looking at some very different stats. Truth Teller im really not trying to argue with you about which party is right or wrong i just think the wasteful spending in the stimulus package could have been spent in a more productive way. Here is a news flash for you i thought 3 years ago we should have pulled out of Iraq.

  17. But you thought the invasion of a soverign country, without provocation, was okay? That's a big difference.

    It remains to be seen whether the stimulus was wasteful spending. It has already preserved millions of jobs that would have been lost without it, so is that wasted? And do you even know what the spending has been for? Did you know that 40% of the "spending" is actually tax cuts? Obama's critics tend to overlook that little tidbit. And much of real spending hasn't happened yet because states have dragged their feet--thanks to Republicans.

    I did not say that Obama lied. I said he could do a better job with transparency. If you want lying politicians, look to Bob McDonnell, Bob Goodlatte, George Bush, and Dick Cheney (to name the first ones that popped into my head).

  18. Nancy Pelosi comes to mind first then Ron Blagojevich,Bill Clinton,and lets not forget Tim Kaine just because they all have a D beside their names lets not forget them. I quess we have Non Truth Tellers on both sides.

  19. Anon,
    Kaine lied about what, exactly? And Pelosi? Where's your proof of that?

    I grant you Blago--nobody likes him--but have you heard of another governor, name of Sanford?

    And Clinton lied about a blow job. I don't know any man who wouldn't have done the same thing. And maybe you've heard this one: When Clinton lied, nobody died. [In case you missed the point, Bush's lies killed hundreds of thousands of people.]

  20. Kaine said when he accepted the job with the DNC he would only work for the DNC on nights and weekends not to mention when he was on the campaign trail he said he was going to bring Va back into a surplus do you need anymore of his lies ? Pelosi lies on a daily basis about anything she can. Just this week she lied about the health care reform bill she said the Republicans we stopping it thats BS they can't stop it the Democrats are the ones stopping it. Had enough proof yet ?

  21. Have you heard the one about Ted Kennedys car has killed more people than Cheneys gun has ?

  22. Anonymous, you do know you're clueless, right? You need to get your information from someone other than Rush or Glenn or Michelle. You hate Pelosi because she's a woman in power and a Democrat. My guess is the only thing she's lied about is coloring her hair, if anything. Kaine hasn't lied about the DNC job--show me ONE meeting he's missed as governor because he was doing DNC work! (Hint: you can't.) Cheney's gun may not have killed anyone, but he forced the CIA to lie to Congress, he's an advocate of torture--in violation of US and international law--and he should be in jail.

    You're grasping and gasping, Anon. You might as well give up because you don't have what it takes to win this argument--facts.

  23. No you have lost i gave you the facts you wanted and you didn't like you are the one that lost this arguement big time party hack.

  24. Anon, you can't make stuff up and call it "facts"--it's kind of a key ingredient to facts that they be, um, factual. And in each case I demonstrated that your information was false. Let me know when you wise up (I won't hold my breath).
