Thursday, July 23, 2009

Building Bridges

Kind of lost in all the hubbub about the 20th District Republicans is the fact that seven respected Republicans who formerly served in the General Assembly endorsed Creigh Deeds for Governor. They include -
  • Sen. John Chichester (R, Stafford) - Member of Senate: 1978-2008. Elected President pro tempore of the Senate, 2000. Former Chair of Finance Committee
  • Sen. Russ Potts (R, Winchester) - Member of Senate: 1992-2008. Independent candidate for Governor in 2005.
  • Sen. Marty Williams (R, Newport News) - Member of Senate: 1996-2008. Former Chair of Transportation Committee.
  • Sen. Warren E. Barry (R, Fairfax) - Member of the House of Delegates: 1970-1983. Member of the Senate: 1992-2002.
  • Sen. Brandon Bell (R, Roanoke Co.) - Member of Senate: 1992-96; 2004-2008
  • Del. Anne G. “Panny” Rhodes (R, Richmond) – Member of the House of Delegates: 1992-2001
  • Del. Katherine Waddell (I, Richmond) – Member of House of Delegates: 2006-2008. Former aide to Republican Lt. Gov. John Hager.
  • Del. Jim Dillard (R, Fairfax) – Member of House of Delegates: 1972-1977, 1980-2005. Former Chair of Education Committee.
A distinguished group of Republicans who know Virginia government and the General Assembly inside and out. A group who cares deeply about the Commonwealth. Republicans who have worked with both Creigh Deeds and Bob McDonnell and know only one will keep Virginia moving forward. Sen. Russ Potts summed it up nicely:
"I served with him (Deeds) for 16 years - sworn in the same day - and get to see what a person's all about. There's no pretentiousness with Creigh. What you see is what you get. I think he'll be a Governor who'll throw caution to the winds and make tough choices."
Well said, Sen. Potts! And just the opposite could be said about Bob McDonnell. He's pretentious. He's hiding much of his political past, including being nurtured by Pat Robertson. With Bob McDonnell what you see, isn't close to what you'll get.


  1. All of those combined will not donate as much as Shelia Johnson will give in money or votes but great spin. With New Jersey not going to be in play i quess Deeds will have his hands full.

  2. She may give bucks, but few will pay much attention to Ms Johnson. This is a Virginia election and those prominent Virginia Republicans speak in chorus she'll never match.

  3. Well im shocked at you a Democrat speaking well of Republicans and putting a Democrat down you would not be saying that if she had endorsed Deeds. This is a perfect example of your hypocritical views.

  4. If you want hypocrisy, look in the mirror. Oh, you are anonymous so you'll see nothing, no heart, no soul, a black hole.

  5. I don't want hypocrisy if i did i could just look at you you Democrats sure hate it when someone proves you wrong or calls you out . I know you are having a hard time right now with Obama's numbers falling fast but things will get better this fall when we get a Reppublican Gov. then maybe you will be happy.

  6. BTW thanks for the good words you gave the Republicans i bet that really hurts you having to say good things about Republicans.

  7. Anonymous, according to most GOP bloggers I've been reading, these Republicans who endorsed Deeds are considered traitors, turncoats, bleeding-hearts, and it seems Republicans have disowned them. They, like Deeds, are part of a large group of Virginians who believe we should work together. You, apparently, belong to the group that's digging itself into an ever-deeper hole by hanging on to your hateful, outdated rhetoric. Keep it up--you'll find yourself a party of one.

  8. Tell me im a party of one in Nov.

  9. Okay, you're a party of one in Nov.

  10. You might want to look at the polls out this week Deeds is down by 6 points.

  11. I've seen the polls. It's July, in case you hadn't noticed. The polls don't count until November 3.

  12. Summer polls are meaningless. Kaine was down 7-8% and won handily. Here's a poll (or pole) for ya anon, in November Deeds wins by 2%.

  13. I will remind you in Nov. that you were wrong about Deeds
