Friday, July 17, 2009

Cluck, cluck, cluck

This one has woken up the barnyard. The Daily News-Record is reporting that Chris Saxman will drop out of the House of Delegates race in District 20. He will apparently have a press conference late today. Saxman was first elected in 2001. According to the article, Saxman wants to pursue his passion - school choice. Perhaps he's going to go work with Mike Farris, a homeschool advocate who once ran for Lt. Governor and set up the Home School Legal Defense Association? Or maybe he's turning his attention to something in 2010 or beyond?
This is great news for Erik Curren, the Democratic nominee. Everyone, including Erik himself, knew going toe to toe with an established incumbent was going to be difficult, if not impossible. Hard to know who the Republican chairs in Staunton, Augusta, Rockingham, and Highland will nominate, but at a minimum, this is a game changer that will energize Curren supporters and Democrats. You can expect new excitement, more dollars, and more attention from the DPVA for the Curren campaign.
I have no inside knowledge who might be on track for the GOP. Some speculation-
Charles Curry sought the nomination in 2001 but was beaten by Saxman. Curry is retired from teaching at JMU, farms in the Mount Solon area and involved with the Farm Bureau, and is a former member of both the Augusta County School Board and Board of Supervisors. But, trying to make a comeback, he ran as an independent for the Board of Supervisors in 2007, losing a close one. Could running against the GOP candidate be held against him?
Another possibility is Bill Kyger, a teacher at TA and Republican member of the Rockingham County Board of Supervisors. There have been some rumors that he didn't care for Saxman and he might want challenge him at some point. One has to wonder if they'll pick a candidate from that end of the district since the bulk of the population is in Staunton and Augusta Co.
Former Staunton mayor John Avoli could be a long shot. He's now director of the Frontier Culture Museum and has stayed out of partisan politics in that role. This opportunity may be appealing. Rumor is that he considered seeking the GOP nod in 2001, but decided against it.
Stay tuned. This story has as many legs as a centipede.


  1. Some of the right wing blogs are advocating for Scott Sayre, but he doesn't live in the 20th does he?
    Geeez Dickie Bell?

  2. Ditto on "Geez Dickie Bell" A friend just snarled at the suggestion. But, the tea party types probably love him.

    Yeah, heard that Bell is saying "everything is happening so fast... yes, I think I would accept." Happens fast in the General Assembly Dickie. If you want to run, better be able to think fast.

    Unless he moved or will move ASAP, I think Sayre lives out of the district.

  3. Well it's interesting that the pubs decided not to anoint Dickie today, but chose to have a candidates forum on July 27th. I wonder what that's all about? Trying to get someone even more to the right than Dickie to run?

  4. Rumor has it that Bell will have trouble getting the leave from the school board to run. But, my guess if he really wants to run, that won't stop him. Another rumor involves Lynn Mitchell/swacgirl running... boy would that be a joke... unless she got elected. That would fall into the worst nightmare category. Anyhow, this "public" forum they are having may bring out kooks. what am I saying? it will bring out kooks
