Monday, July 13, 2009

Dog Days of Politics

In these parts it has been a fairly mild early summer with only a few of the hazy, hot, humid days that wilt folks' bodies and souls. We are just now getting into the dog days of summer, that time from July to early September characterized by blazing sun and sultry days made for iced tea or a cold beer. Spent a little time exploring and walking yesterday... for a while I thought the dog days had arrived. The sun was cookin' us and the ball cap soaked with sweat. But, even so, it really only got into the mid 80s and the nights remain in the cool and comfortable lower 60s (if you have AC you don't get the importance of this point).
We seem to be in the dog days of politics too. Gubernatorial candidates Creigh Deeds and Bob McDonnell have been virtually invisible since mid June. Deeds has been consolidating his campaign, calling donors, and shifting from primary to general election mode. McDonnell ran a couple weeks of misleading "look at me, I'm a moderate" ads in areas of the Commonwealth that are typically strong GOP turf. Just how worried is he about the Deeds' appeal in the Shenandoah Valley, central Virginia, and beyond?
The dog days are hot times for House of Delegates candidates. They marched in every July 4 parade they could find and will be shaking hands at lawn parties over the next few weeks. A big one put on by the Bridgewater Volunteer Fire Company is late this week. By the time August arrives, they'll be taking in the county fairs.
Maybe this wouldn't turn out to be especially productive, and I'm sure it runs counter to advice offered by most consultants, but I'd like to see Deeds make "surprise" appearances at a few community events of the dog days. Shake hands, enjoy BBQ and funnel cakes, pump up the local Democratic activists, and hear what is on people's minds. Local TV and newspapers would love it (free advertising) and it would reinforce Deeds' well-deserved reputation as a regular guy who connects with Virginians.
Well, time to brew some tea for today and for a few outside jobs while the air is still cool.

1 comment:

  1. I am in total agreement with you in wishing Creigh would make some more appearences at community events. I was at a local coffee shop yesterday talking to two Democratic activist and we were bemoaning the lack of excitement and activity. Also the non appearence of our candidates in this area. I follow Creigh, Jody and Steve on Twitter and I must admit it's frustrating to see all of the "other" places they are going to. Have they been given the advice that appearences around the valley will only drive up the Republican vote? I hope not.
