Friday, July 24, 2009

Karaffa's Red Shirts

There are whispers that David Karaffa is the Republican insiders' choice to replace Del. Chris Saxman. Local GOP chairs are posturing to have someone as a counterweight to Sen. Emmett Hanger, who they don't especially like. Rephrase - despise. Were other candidates told there would be a press release from the district chair announcing all candidates, while they told young David to get the word out a day early? This increasingly has the stench of a done deal, bred in the cesspool of the hard right fanatics who control the local committees.
On his blog (with grammar and spelling errors), Karaffa calls out his "Red Shirts" for Monday's meeting. Maybe someone should clue him in on that poor choice of terms - Red Shirts were paramilitary, racist, anti-Republican groups that formed in southern states after Reconstruction and the term is still used by some racist groups today. But, if the shoe... I mean shirt... fits!


  1. You must really love the Democrat party hacks on here then Mary.

  2. Hum, I wonder if the Dewald entry/fast exit was part of the plan to give DK another day in the news?

  3. Red Shirts! = Brown Shirts??

    Why does it take tinges neo-fascism/nazism to get the Republicans in Valley fired up for their team? Are these XR-wingers born this way, or do thy learn it from their Mom and Dad? Yikes!

  4. Mary may have a point. Does anybody sense the wingnuts - Annie, Mikey, and maybe Billie - who in no way represent the average moderate/conservative Republican voter in the 20th, will (have already?) cut a deal in the smoke filled room? The forum is a farce that the News Leader and DNR will buy.
