Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Two birds and other droppings

Joining Dickie Bell in the quest to replace Chris Saxman as the GOP nominee in the 20th House District is David Karaffa. The self-styled "Beverley Manor Conservative" says family and neighbors have encouraged him to run (wow - huge following). He's another of the right wingers who attends tea parties and got his cranky motor revved exciting emotions during the Augusta reassessment. His poorly planned announcement showed him at home putting plates on the table. Is this all the GOP has to offer...?
Yesterday the News Leader editorialized and cartooned suggesting the Democrats replace Erik Curren with a more seasoned candidate for the now open seat. It was an absurd position that could only originate in the fantasyland that constitutes the newspaper's brain trust. By every account, local Democrats are very happy with their nominee who has shown he's a quick study on the issues, articulate, and very hard working. The story will quickly fade. I can't predict why that editorial was even written and the cartoon sketched - my best guess is the incredibly shrinking newspaper (24 pages on a big day; 50% ads) was trying to gin up some controversy and readers.


  1. I'm in total agreement with you CCC. I was off yesterday and received a call at 7 am to look at the front page of the NL. What a way to start the day.

  2. After all of this if Curren gets beat what will the Democrats have to say.

  3. I don't think the News Leader is going to let the religion thing go. I'm sensing there's going to be another story.

  4. Anon: I don't get your point. Not sure you have one. The election is unlikely to turn on this one issue. Last night I went to the forum on health last night and came away very impressed with Mr. Curren. He's smart, principled, a strategic thinker, willing to listen to all ideas. Dems would say they ran a great candidate in a tough district. They'd say Curren has a bright future in politics and community involvement.

  5. I thought you did get my point then you turn around and answer my point in your last sentence ? You are kinda slow aren't you ?
