Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Counting the Dwindling Corn

Governor Tim Kaine announced a series of steps to meet the 2010 budget shortfall of $1.35 billion. Some savings were found in various efficiencies and reducing spending in state agencies based on those agencies' own recommendations. Many of those will not be immediately felt by the public although over time services will be impacted.
Several of the governor's actions, required by the magnitude of the shortfall, will directly impact families, programs, core services, and state employees. Among them:
  • Some 929 state jobs will be eliminated requiring 593 layoffs.
  • Higher education will be hit to the tune of 13-15% reductions. For UVA that is about $19 million - which has to hit everything from buildings and grounds to instruction. It will be especially difficult for community colleges which cannot turn students away. Expect bulging classes, the elimination of some classes/programs, more snow-covered parking lots and sidewalks.
  • A one-day furlough for most state employees - in short, a four-day Memorial Day weekend, with one day unpaid. The loss of a day's pay will be tough on some families, but not as tough as more layoffs that would occur absent the furlough. A little shared pain seems the better of bad options. Public safety and some other areas will be exempted.
  • A reduction of $104 million in payments to the Virginia Retirement System. VRS has a reputation of being well managed, but like every other investor has been hammered by the stock market (which is thankfully rebounding). VRS is a sacred trust to state employees and while the state can't raid the funds directly, this backdoor reduction in funding will weaken the system. The Commonwealth must do, as the governor promises, readjust the contribution rates to assure the long term viability of the system.
Kudos to the governor for not taking the boning knife to K-12 education. Along with public safety, K-12 is the most vital of government services. So far, because of the efforts of Governor Kaine and federal stimulus funds, education has been largely spared. Education is the key to our future, our economy, the very fabric of our society and every effort must be made to protect public schools.
Which brings us to a crucial point - it does make a difference who is in the Executive Mansion setting priorities. Bob McDonnell says he'll pay for roads by shifting over $5 billion from education. That's BILLION. McDonnell promises to raise teacher salaries - but it is a shortsighted smoke and mirrors (shift and shaft) scheme that cuts school services such as nurses, counselors, speech pathologists, and other support personnel.
The more we see and hear of Bob McDonnell, the clearer it becomes that the man will say and promise about anything in his desperation to wield power. Talking out of both sides of his mouth... he's ultra-conservative to one audience and a reasonable moderate to another group in the very same day! A vote for Bob McDonnell is like buying a pig-in-a-poke - you never know who, or what, is the real Bob McDonnell.


  1. Bob McDonnell will be Va's next Governor. After Tim Kaine the people are ready for a Change. Tim Kaine will surely get a thank you card from the RPV.

  2. I see many references from Bob McDonnell to tapping into wall street bonds to meet ongoing Virginia debt obligations. How is borrowing money and having to pay it back with interest better than just being honest, figure up the bill and split it amongst taxpayers? When did the Republican Party adopt lies and deception as their standard?

  3. Bubby maybe they got a quick lesson from Obama.

  4. Anonymous--good to have ya back. I love broken records (are you old enough to understand that reference?).

    McDonnell is learning from Bush who "paid" for the Iraq War by keeping it off budget and borrowing and borrowing and borrowing more. The VAGOP has long been engaged in the smoke and mirrors budgeting of wanting something for nothing. McD is more of the same smoke screen.

  5. Belle Rose don't get so upset just cause you realize Bob McDonnell will be the next Governor of Va. Do realize that GWB is in Texas now ? Do you realize the wars are still going on and still costing us even with BHO as president. Deeds will get the same treatment Bob McDonnell gave him the last time. What has Tim Kaine done to fix Va. Sorry for so many questions i know you can't/won't answer them anyway.

  6. BTW im a little older than you are.

  7. Anon: That explains the senility. Try, if you can, to address the substance of the issues in the post and comments.

  8. Kaine did ok with the bad hand the national economy dealt him. Does make me wonder how Deeds and McDonnell would deal with something similar. Taking money from schools isn't good.

  9. Belle Rose i knew you couldn't answer my questions. Thanks for proving me right. You remind me of Lowell in the last few months he can't answer any questions either amazing how things have CHANGED from last year when all of the party hacks had all the answers.

  10. Anon: you posed rhetorical questions that don't deserve answers. By not answering your nonsense, I did you a favor--didn't prove how wrong you are. Anyhow, get back to the point of the post: how would you (or BobMcD) deal with the state budget shortfall caused by the Bush Recession? Actually, we don't care about you... how about Bobby?

  11. The first thing i would do is create some long term jobs that will get the people off of unemployment (which is almost broke)and by them working they will be paying taxes into the state instead of being a drain on the state by drawing unemployment. Whats Deeds plan ? oh thats right he doesn't have one yet.
