Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Desperate Measures By Cracked Eggs

The national GOP is desperate for a win in Virginia and is dumping $7 million into Bob Mc's campaign... mostly to fund negative ads. I'm using the word "dumping" for a reason. While I'm sure they think this is money well spent, I predict a pro-Deeds backlash. Virginians don't like outsiders telling us what to do.
The desperation to win at all costs has apparently hit the Repugs in the central Valley, too. One big "Deeds Country" field sign was vandalized with (family values) obscenities. Another was totally stolen (hope they at least recycled it!). Both were placed on private property at the landowners' requests. Guess the Valley GOP has something against free speech?
The tougher and nastier the wingnuts get, the better it is for Creigh Deeds.


  1. Coarse Crack, any proof that this vandalism is related to McDonnell Campaign specifically or the Republican Party in general?

  2. EVERY one of the Obama/Biden large signs in Rockingham County (25), all on private property with permission were stolen in last year's election.

    I never heard a statement from Repub Chair Mike Meredith - directing his family-values voters to knock it off. In one case a prominent, foaming-at-the-mouth Republican threatened a property owner, demanding that the signs be removed.

    There is a different side to Valley Republicans that most of their voters don't know about.

  3. While not all of Augusta's two dozen Obama signs were stolen or vandalized last year, about half were hit in some way. The two large Deeds Country signs recently hit were at the same locations where theft or vandalism occurred last year. There have also been a number of yard sign thefts (on private property not VDOT). It may not be coming on orders, but it certainly isn't being discouraged by gop leaders. I know Dems are discouraging retaliation--I've heard it.

  4. Belle Rose thanks for telling the truth. Bubby always tells lies to make his side look better.

  5. This may have been started by the Democrats at the event on Labor Day.

  6. Stealing signs is a time honored but dishonorable political activity of partisans on both sides. But here in the Valley, it seems GOP/conservative partisans have a corner on the market. Guess they are still shocked and POed that Dems dare tread on their turf. The most troubling were the racist vandalism last year. I like to think I live in a caring community where neighbors treat each other with respect. This is the heart of the Bible Belt - but some obviously don't believe or follow Jesus' teachings. It sure would be nice to hear local GOP leaders/elected officials decry the hate speech. But, some spew hate themselves to rouse up the crazy fringe. I find that disgusting.

  7. So you can't confirm your statement? I just want to be sure. Thanks

  8. What proof do you have it was GOP leaders ?

  9. Never said it was gop "leaders" and I've never heard of a sign theft being "confirmed." We don't have cameras like banks. But it defies reason that Dems are stealing their own signs (as one local GOP LEADER stupidly alleged last year). Anyhow, whoever the culprit, the last laugh is on the thieves. The stolen sign was found about a mile away in a ditch (geez... repug thieves are litterbugs, too) by a good Dem. He'd been wanting a sign and put it up at his home with lights... so everyone will see it until 1:00 AM. LOL

  10. Belle Rose you never said it was GOP leaders ? Maybe YOU should read your post again.

  11. Last year I volunteered in the Staunton Obama headquarters most weekends and many evenings. The month before the election hardly a day passed where someone (many times it was 4-5 people)came in wanting new yard signs because someone stole them or tore them up. One gentleman became so upset he started coating the wires with Vaseline and spread his dogs poop around his sign.

  12. No one is saying that signs don't get stolen or tore up both Republican and Democrats have had that happen in my opinion most of the time it is teenagers pulling pranks. What Belle Rose was trying to say was that Republican Leaders were to blame which i know for a fact is not true. I dont think any of the Republican or Democrats that i know would allow this to go on by any of their members. Signs cost alot of money to replace.
