Monday, September 21, 2009

Questions for Taliban Bob

The more Virginian's learn about Bob McDonnell, the more questions they have. It isn't about "character" as McDonnell says in an ad - nobody was questioning that (but now that you mention it...!). The questions Virginians have raised concern McDonnell's beliefs and his agenda if elected. It isn't just about McDonnell's thesis, it is also about his right wing record while in public office. His beliefs and years of actions actions give us guidance about the scary priorities Taliban Bob would pursue as Governor. We cannot believe the slick TV spots that whitewash the man and his record. We have to look at what he has said and done.
No wonder Creigh Deeds has been gaining ground fast in recent polls. He's rock solid, common sense, straight talking, with a long record of service seeking pragmatic solutions rather than policies driven by conservative religious dogma. Creigh gained 11 percentage points in the most recent WaPo poll closing the gap to the margin of error. Poll analysis indicates McDonnell's controversial thesis and his ultra conservative record are key reasons for his collapse in voter support - despite the fact that 54% of respondents knew nothing or little about the thesis written for Pat Robertson's university.


  1. It is sad that Deeds wants to talk more about Bob McDonnell than his plans for Va.

  2. What is Bob McDonnell's plan for Virginia, other than having government telling me how to live my life?

  3. Bob McDonnell has been running plenty of attack ads himself. He started them. He wants to lay pavement by taking money from education. He promises to pay teachers more with no new money. His social views are medieval. I laugh at those 'women for mcdonnell' stickers. Have they no self respect?

  4. "(T)he feminist agenda is not about equal rights for women. It is about a socialist, anti-family political movement that encourages women to leave their husbands, kill their children, practice witchcraft, destroy capitalism and become lesbians." –Pat Robertson

    Burka Bob's spiritual mentor and largest private donor.

  5. Melinda Bob McDonnell isn't the one trying to run your life he wants to bring jobs to Va. Obama is the one trying to run your life.

  6. Sweetie, I have a good job but the health care coverage is terrible and over-priced. I'm hoping that President Obama and Congress can force insurance companies to play fair.

  7. Melinda i agre health care does need reform. I haven't had anyone to tell me yet why making insurance companies able to sell across state lines would be a bad thing. The government run public option is in my opinion a bad idea within 3 years of it being put in place alot of small companies would drop coverage forcing people on the public plan in turn making the cost go threw the roof.

  8. Deeds gain in the polls sure was short lived i never understood why the Democraps were excited he was behind the entire time.
