Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Mr. Deeds Goes To Town

Creigh Deeds and the gubernatorial race captured the attention of Newsweek:
For more than 20 years, [Creigh] Deeds has served the people of Bath County locally and in the Virginia Legislature. They like him in part because he is one of them, and because he's nothing like the picture that pops into your head when you think of a politician. Deeds is the opposite of slick and rehearsed. His accent is country South, not Southern genteel. His campaign speeches ramble. He sometimes tells stories that are funny and endearing, but that don't seem to have a point. "People said a fella from Bath County can't be the nominee," he told a crowd in Danville last month. "Now they're saying a fella from Bath County can't be governor." The punch line of the story: "But I know you gotta do right by people … I grew up on a dirt farm. We ate hogs and deer."
Read the entire article in Newsweek; October 26, 2009; Mr. Deeds Goes To Town.


  1. Creigh(whats in your wallet)Deeds should have been trying to capture the votes of the Democrats that he is losing everyday.

  2. The most insightful line in the whole article:

    "that he (Deeds) can be loved, he can be real, and he can still lose to a guy who is neither."

  3. Any thoughts about this?

  4. So there is something wrong with leaving everything on the table in this situation? We don't even know IF there will be a public option coming out of Congress. And IF it does we don't know exactly what form it will take. Impossible to question to answer unless you're a Republican where the standard answer is always NO NO NO.

  5. Mary,

    I'm sorry but you must be kidding. If Mr. Deeds is not sure whether he would have VA participate in a health care program to include an offered Public Option, he is about as far removed from the progressive wing of his party as if he had qualms about Roe v. Wade.

  6. I wonder if any of the Democrats have started to wonder how Deeds won the primary ?
