Friday, October 16, 2009

Republican lies about VA economics

If you listen to the chicken sh*t being spread by Bob McDonnell, Bill Bolling, and Republican spin masters (liars), you'd think the Commonwealth of Virginia is a high tax state, run inefficiently, and deep in debt. Nothing could be further from the truth. In reality, Virginia ranks as one of the highest states in per capita income and well below the national average in tax burden. Under Governor Mark Warner and Governor Tim Kaine, Virginia has won accolades for state government management, delivering a quality education, and creating a business-friendly environment. As the Washington Post points out:
In fact, the Republican rhetoric points to a real dilemma for its own candidates: how to reconcile the fact that Virginia is regularly ranked among the best-managed states, the best states in which to raise a family and the best states in which to do business with the fact that it has been run by Democratic governors for the past eight years.
After eight years of George Allen and Jim Gilmore Virginia was in the dumper... the budget in shambles, the bond rating tanking, schools declining, local governments in disarray. Then came the rescue by Mark Warner and Tim Kaine; supported by quality legislators like Creigh Deeds carrying the flag in the Virginia Senate and Jody Wagner crunching the numbers as Secretary of Finance.
In the last weeks of this strange campaign, Virginians will focus like a laser beam on truth and reality. Republican lies will bubble to the surface like spilt oil in a farm pond. Watch for these races to tighten up quickly.


  1. Yeah right dont hold your breath. What you can't understand is the fact that McDonnell,Bolling and Cuccinelli will all three win. You can thank Obama and Kaine for this. YES YOU DID now reap the harvest.

  2. Under Kaine we have the worst budget shortfall in Va's history and the Democraps still think he is doing a good job. We are losing jobs because Kaine is to busy working for the DNC. Creigh(whats in your wallet)Deeds will lose because most Va voters think we have enough Big spenders in office now and Deeds thinks spending large amounts of money on useless projects is a good thing.

  3. Anon, did you complain about Jim NO CAR TAX I'LL RUN THE VIRGINIA BUDGET INTO THE GROUND Gilmore when he was the head of the RNC while still Governor? No of course not.

  4. Progressive idiot you are wrong i thought the (as you say) no car tax was a bad idea. With that said i have been paying taxes on my trucks every year since it was passed so for you to say it was a no tax bill is a flat out lie.

  5. Anon, I was referring to Jim Gilmore's NO CAR TAX platform HE ran on.
