Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Blowin' In the Wind

Virginia Governor Tim Kaine joined his counterparts in Maryland and Delaware to announce a tri-state commitment to developing off-shore wind energy in the Mid-Atlantic region. Governor Kaine stated:
With our extensive coastline and highly-educated workforce, Virginia is particularly well-suited to explore offshore wind energy opportunities. In these tough economic times, it's more important than ever that we invest in renewable energy sources that will create jobs and provide cleaner, more affordable energy for our families and communities. One of the best things we can do to lift ourselves out of a challenging economy today is to invest in a greener, cleaner tomorrow.
The Virginia Chapter of the Sierra Club has long opposed off-shore oil drilling along the coast of the Commonwealth because of potential harm to our environment, it threatens commercial and sport fishing, and could have adverse impact on Virginia's vital tourism industry. The Sierra Club points out that off-shore oil drilling is even opposed by the U.S. Navy because it would interfere with unfettered access to the Virginia CAPES operating area.
The Virginia Chapter of the Sierra Club has long advocated for development of off-shore wind energy resources along the eastern seaboard of the United States. In the clip below, Ivy Main, the Club's Renewable Energy Chair, explains that the east coast of the United States has enough proven wind energy to supply a significant portion of our electricity needs with a clean and renewable resource that poses none of the adverse effects that the "drill here, drill now" crowd would bring to our Atlantic seaboard.
Kudos to Governor Kaine as well as governors Martin O'Malley of Maryland and Jack Markell of Delaware for joining in this forward looking project. Hopefully it will mean green jobs, a cleaner environment, and be part of weaning our nation off dirty coal and help end our dependence on foreign oil bought from regimes who do not share our values. The answer to our energy needs is indeed, at least part of it, blowing in the wind... now if only the recent political ill-winds that chilled Virginia don't blow out this flicker of progress.

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