Monday, November 16, 2009

Wolf in sheep's clothing

Tom Perriello has been besieged with attack ads on NBC29 since his courageous vote on healthcare reform. Many of those ads are paid for and sponsored by the Chamber of Commerce. The Chamber, which was once seen as nonpartisan and in many communities as a civic group akin to the Ruritans or Lions Club, has increasingly become aligned with the Republican Party. From where I roost, the Chamber of Commerce has joined the NRA and others as virtual wings of the GOP.
Another group by the name of 60 Plus Association has joined in the attacks against Rep. Perriello. Their ads feature grandma and grandpa types blasting the congressman for selling out Virginians. Being unfamiliar with 60 Plus Association I got a little assistance from our friends at Google to see what I could learn.
Claiming to be a "non-partisan seniors advocacy group with a free enterprise, less government, less taxes approach," 60 Plus appears to actually have few members and depends on funding from the pharmaceutical companies and other conservative groups. Its "leaders" seem to be in an interlocking directorate with conservative groups and individuals ranging from Amway, the National Right to Work Committee, and the Heritage Foundation to GOP direct mail mastermind Richard Viguerie. There's more online including at SourceWatch.
Below, Rachel Maddow exposes the right wing connections of 60 Plus in August of this year:
It is always helpful to know who is really spreading the BS. It may not be the pleasant looking grandma like you thought.


  1. Tom Perriello WILL end up the same way that Creigh(whats in your wallet)Deeds did. I have never seen the people of the 5th so fired up before.Obama gave Perriello his seat now Obama will take it away.If you remember Perriello only won by 727 votes last year. I sure HOPE Obama will come to Va to campaign for Tom Perriello and bring Pelosi with him.I have found something that Obama is good at,getting the Republican base fired up and he is really good at it.Watch what happens in 2010.

  2. Saw an article I believe it was yesterday in the News Virginian about the local Tea Party group in the 5th was planning on burning an effigy of Perriello this Saturday at a rally (I think its this coming saturday). I dont agree with the man nor his vote on healthcare, but my god iam not ready to trun to this type of radical acts. The radical groups of the republican party are starting to scare me.

  3. Obama,Pelosi,and Perriello should scare you more.

  4. Burning out of control. Like often happens, the tea party crazies are overplaying their hand, alienating themselves from reasonable folks, and hurting their cause.

  5. Mary i wouldn't get too excited if i were you just remember what happened on Nov. 3rd. The indies are running from Demorats like they have a disease.

  6. Back to the point of the post--namely LIARS. 60 Plus is a shadow group spreading lies. Eventually, lies always bite the liars in their tea bagging asses.

  7. Belle Rose lets talk about lies the stimulus package is working so good it is even creating new districts. Yet another Obama lie.

  8. Yes yes we know... only conservative groups are "special interests" groups like ACORN,labor unions, NEA ACLU are all virtuous, the very definition of sweetness and light.
