Friday, December 11, 2009

Governor Kaine: Do the Right Thing

The clock is ticking for Governor Tim Kaine to do the right thing - restore voting rights for to thousands, no make that hundreds of thousands, of individuals who were disenfranchised for a felony conviction, but they have done their time and are now tax paying and responsible citizens.
As stated in a prior post, Virginia joins only Kentucky with a hundred year-old Jim Crow mindset that makes restoration of voting rights for ex-offenders extremely difficult. Governor Kaine can move Virginia forward by an executive order restoring voting rights for former felons and creating a fair and reasonable process for restoring voting rights for others as they complete their sentences.
There ain't a snowball's chance in Hell the next governor will give a tinker's damn about this issue - so now is the time to urge Governor Kaine to act. It is easy to do... the email is even composed for you (of course, you can edit or write your own) to let Governor Tim Kaine know that now is the time to issue an executive order restoring voting rights to all or most of the 300,000 Virginians who have lost their voice in our democracy.

1 comment:

  1. Kaine is a true Democrap he didn't restore voting rights aren't you proud of your fellow Democrap ?
