Sunday, February 21, 2010

Fat Tire

While in Franklin, NC we picked up 12 bottles of Fat Tire Amber Ale, something I'd enjoyed in Fort Collins, CO while reading AP American government essays a few years ago. I'd hiked out to New Belgium Brewing, partly curious about the beer/hoping for a tour and partly to find some geocaches in the area. Missed the regular tours but an employee let me look around briefly. Yes, I found several geocaches nearby and later enjoyed a couple varieties of New Belgium brews at Fort Collins watering holes.
So, I was a bit surprised to find Fat Tire Amber Ale with a prominent place in the cooler at the grocery store in tiny Franklin... those western North Carolinians just went up in my estimation! It is probably available in the Shenandoah Valley, but I have to admit, I haven't run across it.
Okay, my disclaimer as a beer reviewer... I haven't met a beer I couldn't drink. Well, I take that back... there was some generic swill from a chain grocery in college that tasted bad and hit bottom very heavy. Ugh. Nasty. I'm not a big fan of wheat beers. And, although I'll take one if offered (I'm polite that way) light beers are not really beer... they are basically like sex in a canoe.... f*$#&!% close to water.
Back to the Fat Tire Amber Ale - it is a nice copper colored ale with a medium head that left attractive lace on the large juice glass I was forced to use in my son's tiny apartment. The first few washes over the taste buds brought back its unique taste - a bit fruity, some malt, a little hoppy and spicy at the end. A slightly creamy texture. I liked it better as I filled the glass with my second and even more with my third. I'm a bit more of a hop head and like a little less fruitiness, but Fat Tire Amber Ale is a nice brew - I'd give it a solid B, maybe a B+.
If these things matter to you as they do to me, New Belgium Brewing is a company worth supporting with your dollars while you enjoy their beers. They are employee-owned and express pride in being the first wind powered brewery in America. New Belgium is also one of 1228 companies who are part of 1% for the Planet who commit 1% of annual sales to various environmental organizations making a positive impact for Mother Earth. Bottoms up and tip a glass for our Mom!

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