Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Is he as good as his word? I doubt it.

Rush Limbaugh said he'd leave the country if the healthcare bill passed. It did. Will he live up to his word? Doubtful... he's a blowhard who is only interested in sucking in money and dupes who believe his tripe.
If you are interested in seeing one less idiot in the U.S.A., how about making a contribution to the guys at A Ticket for Rush. They've raised almost $2K... isn't that enough for a one-way ticket to Costa Rica? Hey, what's wrong with Afghanistan??
And if the village idiot reneges... like we all know he will since there is little believable in any crap that comes out of this mouth... the donations will go the Planned Parenthood Action Center. Too back his mom didn't catch a ride...


  1. I heard the quote live.
    He said he would leave the country to get health care. That's all. Sorry that you got all excited....I know you were eager to throw him a farewell party.

    You guys are still putting words into his mouth and getting it wrong.

  2. And, of course, the moonbats haven't held Alec Baldwin to his word....
