Thursday, March 4, 2010

Senators Warner and Webb - don't listen to the hypocrites

Senator Mark Warner and Senator Jim Webb - it is time to show political courage and join with other Democrats and vote for healthcare reform. Your colleagues from the other side of the aisle are surely leaning on you, but their shrill arguments are based in blatant falsehoods and hypocrisy. Senate Republicans will say anything, repeat any lie, make up any distortion, attack the very rules of the chamber that they've used in the past, while in the death throes of their opposition.
It is time to stand up for healthcare reform. It is time to vote.
Using reconciliation to pass healthcare reform is not only legitimate, it is the moral thing to do.

1 comment:

  1. "Senate Republicans will say anything, repeat any lie, make up any distortion, attack the very rules of the chamber that they've used in the past"

    Bold words from the party of the Great Prevaricator, and of the "Bush Lied Us Into War" contingent.

    Speaking of hypocrites....
