Saturday, March 27, 2010

Tea Party Terrorists

The actual, real, documented acts of violence by the tea party folks are a long long ways from patriotism... they are acts of domestic terrorism. Eric Cantor, John McCain, John Bainor and other Repugs are tiptoeing around condemnation of vandalism/violence and encouragement of broken glass and cut gas lines... not quite telling the wingnuts to stop while saying words like "target" and "reload" are appropriate in this heated political environment.
I ran into a tea party type at a local grocery this week. She was in her 70s and her car sported a variety of flags like "Don't Tread on Me" and bumper stickers calling President Barack Obama a "socialist." She pulled in close so I asked her why she had all those flags and stickers. Her answer - "healthcare reform is socialism, a government takeover." I asked if she was on Medicare and happy with it. "Yeah," she said, "and they're trying to take it away." Huh?? She said "it was time to eliminate Obama and those damn Democrats who support him..." Now I don't know what she meant by "eliminate" but it sounds like PalinSpeak. Hunt 'em from helicopters??
Do you see the hypocrisy and misinformation in her comments? Can you hear idiots like Glen Beck echoing in her shallow brain? Or maybe the hate spread for months by local yokel politicians. It is time for Repugs to move beyond hate and into real policy. Into solving problems instead of creating divisions. I ain't holding my breath.


  1. good grief. you libs don't believe in islamic terrorists even when they use planes to kill 3000 innocent people. But when your fellow Americans don't agree with you and use their rights as Americans to voice their opinions you call them terrorists.
    such hypocrisy,such dishonesty. But then again you're a liberal so I expect nothing less.

  2. hey, that could be my granny. she's really sweet in the family but whacked on this stuff. fox overdose. not looking forward to easter dinner.

  3. Anon #1 - two points. I do believe Moslem terrorists are responsible for 9/11.I don't buy the conspiracy theories spread by crazed left or right about Bush admin doing it... but think their reaction was screwed up. You took a flying leap with that statement. And using free speech rights can never extend to fomenting violence... that's what clowns like Beck and some Republicans are guilty of.

  4. What about the fort Hood shooter ?

  5. Anon: You answered your own stupid question... he was a SHOOTER. that's not just fomenting violence, it is actual violence. How stupid can you be?

  6. He was a Obama supporter along with Norman Leboon the guy who threatened Eric Cantor's life you DemoRATS are a top rate POS.

  7. Eugene Robinson has excellent commentary
    pointing out that today's domestic terrorism comes mostly from the far right (aided and abetted by some well known "mainstream" Republicans). As Robinson accurately notes "It is dishonest for right-wing commentators to insist on an equivalence that does not exist. The danger of political violence in this country comes overwhelmingly from one direction -- the right, not the left. The vitriolic, anti-government hate speech that is spewed on talk radio every day -- and, quite regularly, at Tea Party rallies -- is calibrated not to inform but to incite."

  8. Great news for Democrats 4 out of 10 Tea party members are Democrats.
