Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Don't elect whack jobs on SVEC

Shenandoah Valley Electric Cooperative will be electing new directors at their annual meeting on June 10, 2010. One of the nominees in Augusta County is a right wing whack job by the name of Philip Lynch. While his bio that was sent out in the Notice of the Annual Meeting sounds perfectly reasonable, he is a crazed reactionary blogger going by the name of "Yankee Phil" and a local political flamethrower whose ideology is way out of bounds for SVEC members. We don't need those kind of views on the Board of Directors of Shenandoah Valley Electric Cooperative and we certainly don't need the distraction that his presence would bring to the co-op's governance. Paul Bugas, Joyce Craun, and Larry Howdysell are better choices!


  1. Did SVEC have an open forum, where board candidates could be asked questions by members? That would have been a useful event. Mr. Lynch could have been asked questions, and if he has extreme views which could get in the way of good governance, that could have been exposed. It sounds like now, if voting is tomorrow, it is too late and SVEC is stuck with what is basically a lottery system with board members 'elected' with credentials that may or may not lead to wise decision making.

  2. I already have a serious problem with SVEC's anti-environmental posturing and lobbying, so I certainly don't think Phil Lynch is the person I want on this Board.

  3. Usually elec coops choose technical folks (engineering or science education), senior business/govt. leaders, and experienced industrial managers. Howdyshell, Craun and Bugas seem to fit the job well. Mr. Lynch's qualifications may not measure up to Elec. Utility Coop leadership expectations. You gotta like talking about return on investment, long-range load factors forecasting, distribution capacity vs generation supply trends, capital asset replacement programs, service outage response programs, etc., etc. Not sure what's the hidden agenda here for Mr. Lynch. The other folks seem to be more like the Steady Eddie volunteers you'd expect to see on the SVEC board.
