Sunday, June 13, 2010

Endorsement - Kai Degner for Delegate

CCC is proud to endorse Kai Degner in the special election for 26th House of Delegates district. After hearing from the candidates in the abbreviated campaign, it is clear Degner is the best candidate to represent the good people of Rockingham County and the City of Harrisonburg.

Degner has run a principled campaign and has done his best to address current issues of interest in the district. As I listened to the candidates' answers to the questions posed to the candidates on TV3, it was abundantly clear Degner was the best informed, most articulate, and most in tune with residents. If that isn't enough, Degner's experience and accomplishments alone put him head and shoulders above his opponents. If you live in the 26th, Kai Degner deserves your vote.

Tony Wilt's campaign has done just that... wilted. Questions about potential conflicts of interest with his land ownership and concrete business and the proposed gas drilling in the Bergton area trouble many voters. And, from this bird's roost, his answers on TV3 were uninspired, inarticulate, and at best party talking points that he couldn't even repeat very well. As some recent letters in the DNR have indicated, putting someone in public office is all about trust and Mr. Wilt has failed that ultimate test.

Carolyn Frank's campaign is mostly nonexistent. The gadfly is a joke. Who knows how many votes she'll draw... we should all hope they don't come at Degner's expense.

 Put principle and competence above party in this special election - Vote for Kai Degner for Delegate.

1 comment:

  1. Have you ever endorsed anyone that didn't have a D beside their name ? Aren't all Democrats always the best candidate in your opinion ?
