Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Cock-a-doodle-do! Census under budget!

As one who worked in four or five operations of the Census Bureau, it is both amazing and gratifying to know that the 2010 Census is coming in under budget. Not just by a little bit, but by some $1.6 billion or about 10% of the $14.7 billion budgeted.

Like anyone who worked for the 2010 Census, I saw duplication, many miles driven, reams of paper, and waste. I guess that is to be expected in any large governmental operation... you only need to check out the military, or National Park Service, or virtually any other agency in government (or big business as well). But, it is great to know that my efforts, and those of many other diligent and dedicated Census employees got the job done in a fairly efficient manner. Among the reasons cited for the savings are an aggressive multilingual advertising campaign, few technical difficulties, and a highly educated and qualified workforce (perhaps needing jobs in the economic downturn). Of course, most of the costs associated with the door-to-door operations are can be attributed to those American who - due to oversight, ignorance, or an anti-government tea party mentality - refused to mail in their completed questionnaires.

Anyhow, this hasn't exactly been front page news. Guess good news rarely is. But, when government works well and does so with efficiency, it should be shouted out loud. This bird is crowing. Cock-a-doodle-do!

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