Monday, November 1, 2010

Old Man Winter will eventually arrive

It has been a mild, many would say warm, fall in the Shenandoah Valley. We've only used the wood stove a couple of times and the furnace remains silent. This morning was the first time the pet water bowls have sported a skiff of ice. But, even with the reality of global warming, the leaves are falling and we all know Old Man Winter will find his way to the Valley. Are you ready?

The Shenandoah Group of the Sierra Club's next program, Home Weatherization - Are You Ready for Winter? will feature Benjamin Meredith of Building Knowledge, an experienced professional building inspector and energy rater. Benjamin has conducted numerous energy audits on homes and is familiar with the common problems of weatherization and how to deal with them. He will explain how energy audits work, and will provide practical advice that you can put to use right away to better insulate your home. Learn how you and your family will be more comfortable, save money, and conserve our natural resources.

Date/time: Tuesday, November 9 at 7:00 PM
Place: Clementine Cafe (downstairs), 153 S. Main St., Harrisonburg, VA

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