Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Better Choices for Virginia

A broad coalition of groups and community leaders have come together under the umbrella, Better Choices for Virginia, to promote a more balanced and people-oriented approach to the Commonwealth's short term and long term needs. According to their website, the following principles guide the coalition's efforts to influence policymakers' as they craft state budgets:
  • Take a balanced approach. A balanced approach to meeting Virginia’s current budget crisis will lead to faster, more sustainable recovery. Innovative funding and revenue solutions must be considered along with cuts to public services, as available resources are falling billions of dollars short of need.
  • Address the immediate crisis and plan for the future. Now more than ever is the time for long-term strategies and lasting solutions. Virginia must thoughtfully invest in education, public safety, health, and our natural resources to ensure that we honor our legacy of sound management and make the investments we’ll need to return to prosperity.
  • Craft revenue solutions that allow us to invest in Virginia’s future. Virginia is facing its fifth year in a row of budget shortfalls. The uncertainty that results from these shortfalls, along with the economic harm that results from a cuts-only strategy hurts working Virginians and Virginia businesses. We must reform our outdated revenue system if we’re going to have sustainable budgets.
Coalitions involve compromise and finding common ground. True, the seeds to disunion are sown in every coalition, yet it is remarkable that these groups have set aside differences to achieve goals for the common good that seem elusive to many in our current crop of indoctrinated-by-ALEC politicians:
AARP / AFL-CIO / All-Med Express Medical Supply / Comprehensive Health Investment Project (CHIP) of Virginia / Communication Workers of America / Housing Opportunities Made Equal / Laborers International Union / League of Conservation Voters / Legal Aid Justice Center / Mental Health America of Virginia / Metropolitan Business League / Virginia National Organization for Women / Progress Virginia / Social Action Linking Together / SEIU / Sierra Club / The Commonwealth Institute / Virginia Coalition of Latino Organizations / Better Housing Coalition / Virginia Housing Coalition / Virginia Education Association / Virginia Executive Leadership Council / Virginia First Cities / Virginia Interfaith Center / Virginia Interfaith Power & Light / Virginia New Majority / Virginia Organizing / Virginia Poverty Law Center / Virginia PTA
As I scanned the list, I found that I am currently an active volunteer in two of the organizations, was during my career very active in a third, and have supported activities or attended events of several others. The organizations are grassroots and reflective of we the people of the Commonwealth of Virginia. Far more reflective of the state's diversity and cognizant of the needs than the governor or the 140 members of the General Assembly.

Find out more and get involved at Better Choices for Virginia.

Learn more about the subversive influence of ALEC in this New York Times article and at Common Cause.

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