Tuesday, October 22, 2013

All the news that's fit to print... or spew.

The Washington Post recently ran a blog/article on How Jon Stewart became President Obama's biggest problem. The accompanying chart got me to thinking about where I get my news and information. Seems our household doesn't fit neatly in the 60-64 (getting close to the 65+) demographic in which our dates of birth places us.

So, where do I get my news? Who do I trust? Who do I return to day after day?

I watch local and network national/local news (mostly ABC or NBC) almost every day. I DVR the Colbert Report and Daily Show and watch them the next day. Some days I'll catch all or some of MSNBC shows like Morning Joe, Hardball, or Maddow (MSNBC may lean forward, but there really is diversity of views). Most Sunday morning will find me watching Meet the Press and perhaps another Sunday showIt all gets supplemented with Time magazine, the Washington PostMother Jones and 60 Minutes and occasionally with articles from the Wall Street Journal or the Economist (and similar magazines). A day or two a week I'll catch a show on NPR. Our local papers are pretty lame and the opinion pages hollow, but I check out interesting articles online.

I try to be fair and balanced by watching Fox from time to time but their bias and blatant use of "false facts" and bogus "experts" leads me to push the button on the remote and move on. Same with Limbaugh and the other right wing radio jocks who are making big bucks spreading manure. Unfortunately, too many Americans will buy the big lie they are selling.

So, where do you get your news and how do you form your opinions. Only watch/listen to those with whom you agree? Or, do you intentionally seek out other points of view?

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