Wednesday, December 13, 2023

Bobblehead Ben

Representative Ben Cline, aka Bobblehead Ben, is the quintessential Republican lapdog.  Bobblehead Ben rarely consults a moral barometer, following instead the questionable lead of party leaders. Like a middle school kid, he just can’t break from peer pressure. This was true when he was in the Virginia House of Delegates so it is no surprise that Bobblehead Ben continues to represent his party peers more than he represents the people of the 6th District of Virginia. Consider a few examples:

Bobblehead Ben supported the attempts to overturn the 2020 election in court and has justified the actions of the insurrectionist mob or traitors. Most Virginia residents were shocked and angered viewing the horrific events on January 6. I can imagine Bobblehead Ben cowering in a basement safe room that day. Yet he never condemned the former president nor the violent traitors. I don’t believe he has ever forcefully acknowledged that President Biden was the rightful winner of the election.

Bobblehead Ben voted against expelling George Santos for multiple ethical, legal, and moral violations well-documented by the House Ethic Committee. When the Speaker and other party leaders made it clear they wanted to protect their slim majority rather than do the right and moral thing, of course Bobblehead Ben caved to peer pressure.

Now, Bobblehead Ben is standing with Republican leaders to block additional military aid to Ukraine. He could, on principle, stand up for democracy and speak up against dictators and aggressors. Instead, Bobblehead Ben joins with his peers trying to score political points by linking that aid to security on the U.S. southern border.

Come on Representative Cline. You were elected to represent your constituents and to exercise some degree of independent and moral judgment. You are failing the good people of the 6th District.

Belle Rose is back and watching Bobblehead Ben.

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