Friday, January 19, 2024

Bobblehead Ben votes to shut down the government

On the evening of January 18 the House passed a continuing resolution to keep the government running through early March. It required a 2/3s vote since the speaker suspended House rules in order to fast track it. 107 Republicans joined with 207 Democrats to avoid the shutdown. Bobblehead Ben preferred to follow the lead of such “stellar statesmen” as Lauren Boebert and Bob Good in support of tossing federal employees out of their jobs and denying important services to citizens. He’ll play it up in his next Perspectives newsletter bashing Democrats while conveniently forgetting the growing deficit under tRump. Up next for the Bobblehead… opposing any compromise on the border reached in the Senate. He’d rather have a red meat issue than a solution.

1 comment:

  1. Benji has some trouble ahead.
