Saturday, May 25, 2024

Podunk Local Paper

Republican Hung Cao, who is seeking the nomination to run for U.S. Senate against incumbent Tim Kaine, recently referred to the Staunton News Leader as a “podunk local paper” and doubled down by adding “you wouldn’t even wrap your fish with that.” According to the Cardinal News, Cao also deems it a waste of time to travel to the 6th and 9th congressional districts to debate his opponents.

How is the News Leader even on Cao’s radar. Well, being part of the Gannett USA Today media network, the News Leader picked up a story about Cao’s Unleash America PAC not benefitting any Republican candidates for state and local office as promised when he created it in 2023. That story was picked up by the Virginia Public Assess Project news aggregator which attributed the story to the Staunton paper… that’s where Cao apparently learned about it.

A few observations…

Cao should research more before sounding off and belittling a newspaper and, indeed, an entire region. It does not speak well of his depth or temperament. He should at least have been aware that the article was actually from a respected national media organization and not some “podunk local paper.”

Maybe Mr. Cao prefers to campaign from his desk in NOVA via zoom, but most folks like to meet the candidate in person and take the measure of the man or woman. Tim Kaine knows this and visits the Shenandoah Valley and Southwest Virginia regularly. So Mr. Cao, take a tour down I-81, meet some folks, and maybe learn about the region’s transportation and infrastructure needs along the way. Plus, the scenery is great!

From where I perch in the Shenandoah Vally, Hung Cao’s candidacy appears to be “ridonkulous.”

Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Ben Cline a hypocrite when he says he supports law enforcement

In his recent Sixth District Perspectives, Representative Ben Cline touted his support for National Police Week and stated that he wants “ to improve officer safety and help those who protect our communities.” Hum… what a crock of bullshit!  He saw nothing wrong with the January 6 insurrection when Donald Trump’s treasonous thugs stormed the United States Capitol, violently attacked police officers, and chanted hang Mike Pence. Wonder where Ben was hiding that day… probably shaking in fear behind a scummy mop in a janitor’s closet. He continues to support Trump’s “Unified Reich” where red ties have replaced the brownshirts of Adolph Hitler but the violent authoritarian filth remains. Yes, it is abundantly clear Bobblehead Ben supports the MAGA jackboots who care little for legitimate law enforcement officers who protect our communities and the rule of law.

The Sixth District of Virginia deserves so much better than the not-so-smart loser Ben Cline. Check out Ken Mitchell. He served over two decades in the military and in the White House under both parties. Ken will get things done in a bipartisan spirit, unlike the hyper-partisan and unimaginative Bobblehead Ben Cline.

Friday, May 17, 2024

Lowlife Supremes

QUESTION: How did the highest court in the land become infested with biased and unethical lowlifes like Sam and Clarence?

ANSWER: Republicans.