Saturday, July 27, 2024

Be afraid, very afraid

Donald Trump spoke to the Turning Point Action Believers’ Summit in West Palm Beach, Florida, on July 26. During his speech Trump made his plans to become an authoritarian strongman clear to the extreme Christian nationalist group: “Get out and vote. Just this time. You won’t have to do it anymore. Four more years, you know what: it’ll be fixed, it’ll be fine. You won’t have to vote anymore, my beautiful Christians…. Get out, you’ve got to get out and vote. In four years, you don’t have to vote again, we’ll have it fixed so good you’re not going to have to vote.”

Holy crap… certainly sounds like Trump is promising a second term would be a Christian nationalist dictatorship where elections don’t matter and our representative democracy dies. What do you think Ben Cline? Are you okay consigning American constitutional democracy to the dust bin of history? But of course you are… you still think the 2020 election was stolen and celebrate the January 6 insurrectionists. Ben you are bobblehead who only knows how to genuflect to the dear leader of your bankrupt party. 

Thursday, July 25, 2024

Bobblehead Ben and Ken Mitchell on healthcare

Bobblehead Ben Cline has repeatedly voted against improving healthcare measures that offer huge benefits for constituents. In 2019 he voted against covering preexisting conditions, sustaining the Health Insurance Exchange, and the ability of government to negotiate drug prices. In 2020 Bobblehead Ben continued voting against measures for improving healthcare opportunities for when he voted NO to fund adequate coverage in the ACA.

There is a better way! Ken Mitchell believes healthcare is a human right. Ken supports maintaining the Affordable Care Act, coverage for preexisting conditions, keeping children on parents’ insurance until age 26, no lifetime limit on coverage, and the ability of government to negotiate lower drug prices.

Voters in the 6th District of Virginia… there is a better way! Support Ken Mitchell this November.

Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Republican Hung Cao is a chicken

Republican Senate candidate Hung Cao bailed out of the Virginia Bar Association debate with Senator Tim Kaine at The Homestead… an event with a long tradition in the Commonwealth’s politics. One wonders why since he should be desperate for name recognition. It appears Hung 🐓 Cao is terrified to answer questions from Virginians like:

Why does he support plans to sunset Social Security, Medicaid and Medicare? These are essential programs for millions of Americans. Yes, they need bipartisan “repairs” the assure future funding and reduce fraud… but you apparently want to end them entirely! 

Why does he support bills that would ban abortion, reduce access to contraception, and interfere with fertility treatments? Wow… the government intruding in women’s health and our bedrooms sounds like a dystopian future for Americans!

Does he support Project 2025 that is designed and promoted by a shadowy network of Christian nationalists and fascists. Project 2025 would take rights from Americans and many see it as a blueprint if Donald Trump is elected

Many speculate the Cao doesn’t want to leave NOVA to visit what he considers to be “podunk” parts of Virginia. He has made it pretty clear that talking face-to-face with Virginians in all parts of the state isn’t a priority for him. That stands in sharp contrast to Senator Kaine who relishes meeting and listening to constituents. Kaine visited Staunton last Saturday and met with an enthusiastic crowd.

Bobblehead Ben calls for President Biden to resign the office

Bobblehead Ben Cline, the inept guy representing the 6th District of Virginia, is marching in lockstep with the Speaker of the House by calling for Joe Biden to resign the presidency. Even Ben is smart enough to know that won’t happen (or perhaps he isn’t smart enough). It is partisan posturing because Trump and his cult were caught flat footed when Joe Biden ended his quest for the nomination and Republicans are in panic mode. There is absolutely zero evidence Biden cannot competently complete his term.

Hey Ben, how about asking Donald Trump to step down as the nominee of the Republican cult? After all, his performance at the convention is at best questionable… he occasionally appeared to be dozing and then gave a super long speech that, after a short nod to “unity,” veered off into deranged and frightening ramblings that were a mix the Big Lie and a scary American future if his platform, Project 2025, is enacted. The old guy ain’t right! 

While we’re at it, Ben why don’t you resign? After all, you regularly put party above county and constituents!

If you are a voter in Virginia's 6th Congressional District there is a much better choice than Bobblehead Ben. Ken Mitchell is running a positive and inclusive campaign. Meet Ken: