Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Bobblehead Ben calls for President Biden to resign the office

Bobblehead Ben Cline, the inept guy representing the 6th District of Virginia, is marching in lockstep with the Speaker of the House by calling for Joe Biden to resign the presidency. Even Ben is smart enough to know that won’t happen (or perhaps he isn’t smart enough). It is partisan posturing because Trump and his cult were caught flat footed when Joe Biden ended his quest for the nomination and Republicans are in panic mode. There is absolutely zero evidence Biden cannot competently complete his term.

Hey Ben, how about asking Donald Trump to step down as the nominee of the Republican cult? After all, his performance at the convention is at best questionable… he occasionally appeared to be dozing and then gave a super long speech that, after a short nod to “unity,” veered off into deranged and frightening ramblings that were a mix the Big Lie and a scary American future if his platform, Project 2025, is enacted. The old guy ain’t right! 

While we’re at it, Ben why don’t you resign? After all, you regularly put party above county and constituents!

If you are a voter in Virginia's 6th Congressional District there is a much better choice than Bobblehead Ben. Ken Mitchell is running a positive and inclusive campaign. Meet Ken:

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