Friday, September 5, 2008

Corn pone, porn pone #3

CCC has several earlier posts about the August obscenity trial in Staunton. Now Dr. Marty Klein, a certified sex therapist, sociologist, and writer has described his visit to Staunton for the trial. He notes he was in town to testify, but I don't recall seeing him in the courtroom, and since the defense didn't put on any witnesses, he clearly didn't take the stand.
Kline's article is on where he discusses obscenity, local community standards, freedom of expression, and his subsequent visit to Monticello. You can tell, he isn't happy
So people of Staunton, don't shake my hand, don't welcome me to your pretty little town, don't be so damn friendly. I hate what you did to my country last week. You spurned Jefferson, denied Madison, spit on the America you claim you love.
I suspect his won't be the last word, and the Staunton jury won't have the final say, in this legal quagmire.

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