Tuesday, September 9, 2008

There's something going on here . . . revisited

At the big Paint the Valley Blue event held in mid-August in Staunton, Senator Creigh Deeds was visibly moved by the enthusiasm of nearly 500 Democrats at a BBQ and rally. He exclaimed. "there's something going on here . . . ."
He is right, there does seem to be a bit of a Democratic resurgence in the Valley. PTVB was but one indicator. How about Obama headquarters in Harrisonburg, Staunton, Lexington, and even Bridgewater! Democratic yard signs seem to be in abundance, although I'm hearing about folks being frustrated with the lack of signs available at the HQ. 
Rumors are the Goodlatte folks are a bit surprised at the tenacity and strength of Sam Rasoul's campaign. While early on some Virginia Democrats weren't paying too much attention to the 6th District, Rasoul's ability to put on an aggressive campaign (while not accepting PAC money as his opponent does), has gotten notice. Below Sam and Layaly join Senator Jim Webb in an August event in Harrisonburg.
And, the new found energy in the Democratic Party seems to be already carrying over to 2009 when voters will elect a new governor, lieutenant governor, attorney general, and all members of the House of Delegates. Already, Jeff Price of Amherst County has announced he'll seek the Democratic nomination for the 24th House District. Jeff is said to be making the rounds of local committees and beginning fundraising (which is tough in the middle of the '08 election). There are strong rumors of an individual putting out feelers to challenge Steve Landes . . . or was it Chris Saxman? Likewise there is a persistent buzz of Democratic challenges in other districts from Shenandoah County through Roanoke. Many of these candidates are new to politics and have not been overtly partisan in the past.
A common thread runs through all the rumors and buzz - a knowledge that there has to be better way to govern than what the Bush administration or the do-nothing House of Delegates have provided. Government built on consensus and solving problems, rather than division and confrontation. Government that is not blindly partisan. Government that puts people first.
Perhaps it is really true - two party competition is returning to the Shenandoah and Roanoke valleys.

1 comment:

  1. Let's hope competition has returned to the Valley.I am so sick of the arrogance of many in the GOP. Their smug entitled behavior is vomit inducing.
