Monday, March 23, 2009

Delegates and other cracked corn

Todd Gilbert (R-15) announced he'll seek a third term. The 15th district includes Shenandoah, Page, Rappahannock, and part of Rockingham counties. So far, no Democrat has announced a challenge to the far right conservative. Hopefully one will... soon. The clock is ticking on the nomination process.
In the 20th District, Delegate Chris Saxman may be thinking he's home free. According to some GOP blogs, Democrat Tracy Pyles will not run. Pyles had been rumored to be interested in taking on the incumbent who he faced Saxman when the district was first gerrymandered... err, created. Rumors persist that the Democrats will field a strong candidate who has given long thought and study to taking on one of the most ideological and partisan delegates in the General Assembly.
In the 17th District (parts of Roanoke City, Roanoke County, and Botetourt County) there were rumors today that Sam Rasoul would announce his candidacy. Rasoul floated a press release strongly hinting he was running and called a 1:00 PM press conference - it was picked up and reported on TV midday news and several blogs. Instead, Rasoul used his time in the sun to endorse Gwen Mason, a Roanoke City Councilwoman, who had previously announced. Sam misplayed his hand this time - nobody likes to be mislead.

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