Thursday, June 13, 2024

Bobblehead Ben’s Republican Party is a Mess

Congressional Republicans, including Bobblehead Ben Cline, achieve little unless you count blocking progress and policies favored by a majority of Americans. Over the past few months Republicans…

Blocked aide to Ukraine for a long time thereby endangering the nation that is struggling against a vile dictator trying to expand his influence. Fortunately a bipartisan deal and the leadership of President Biden and other western leaders got the aid in the nick of time.

Blocked a strong bipartisan border security bill at the urging of the former president and felon. He, and Republicans like Ben Cline, would rather toss red meat to the base than actually make progress on solving problems.

Blocked legislation to protect the right of adults to obtain birth control.

Blocked legislation requiring a stronger, more transparent ethics code for the Supreme Court.

Blocked legislation to protect IVF. 

On a mostly party line vote, House Republicans did manage to hold Attorney General Merrick Garland in contempt of Congress for refusing to turn over the videotape of the special counsel questioning President Biden about retention of classified documents. Congress has the transcript so they absolutely do not need the video. The President has claimed executive privilege so this contempt resolution is pretty meaningless. Republicans were even too dense to see the irony of three of their own… Jim Jordan, Andy Biggs, and Scott Perry… ignoring subpoenas from the House committee investigating the Trump led January 6 insurrection and attempted coup.

Bobblehead Ben Cline marches in lockstep with this ship of fools. He should be voted out of office this November.

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