February 1, 1862. “Mine eyes have seen the glory of the coming of the Lord,” the Atlantic Monthly published Julia Ward Howe’s “ Battle Hymn of the Republic” harkening the righteous cause of freedom during the early days of the Civil War. “His truth is marching on.”
February 1, 1865. President Abraham Lincoln signed the Joint Resolution by which Congress sent the Thirteenth Amendment to the states for ratification. The Amendment abolished slavery. The hopes and dreams of equality expressed that day were crushed in the coming years by segregation, lynchings, and Jim Crow laws.
February 1, 1960. Students from North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University sat down at the lunch counter at F. W. Woolworths in Greensboro, North Carolina. They ordered donuts and coffee but were refused service. They were joined by more protesters in the next couple days and protests spread across the South over the following months. In July, after losing profits, Woolworths served four Blacks (actually employees of the store in street clothes) and the death of Jim Crow was beginning.
February 1, 1976. President Gerald Ford designates February as Black History Month to honor the neglected accomplishments of Black Americans.
February 1, 2025. President Donald Trump has revoked a decades old executive order that protected equal opportunity. His administration has ended diversity, equity, and inclusion programs in the federal government and is bullying states, localities, and private industry to end them also. The State Department and the Defense Department no longer recognize Black History Month.The president falsely blames the tragic accident over the Potomac on DEI.
The lies are marching on. The Lord weeps.