Tuesday, December 24, 2024

Bobblehead Ben’s propaganda machine

Bobblehead Ben Cline and his congressional staff are budding masters of the propaganda machine. Or maybe it is the House propaganda MAGA-machine that gives them the juice? Anyhow, Bobblehead’s “Sixth District Perspectives” isn’t so much news of interest to all constituents as it is a series of propaganda pieces that would make the Joesph’s… McCarthy and Goebbels… proud.

His recent production included this picture from the propaganda-on-steroids machine known as X. 

I think Bobblehead Ben supported the bipartisan bill originally put forth by the Speaker. Then power-behind-the-throne Elon Musk (followed later in the day by DJT) came out in opposition and the bill fell short of the necessary 2/3s majority (and a simple majority). The “slimmed down” bill passed the next day.

The deception in the picture is grotesque… it implies the CR that passed spends just a fraction of the money as the original. Not true! There are some savings to be sure… but.the major saving was in the number of pages in the bill! Why? Well one item cut was restrictions on pharmacy managers… yep the guys and gals who frequently overcharge and screw over sick Americans. Those restrictions are very technical and required lots of ink… hence a much longer bill.

Also eliminated were certain restrictions of American investments in China that could have serious national security implications. Musk wanted them gone. Cha Ching. Elon should send you a Christmas card, Ben.

Back to Bobblehead Ben. His entire “Perspectives” email was self-serving propaganda. Most casual readers of his communications likely aren’t aware of Ben’s misdirection and deceit. There is very little media in the Shenandoah Valley willing to research and challenge him. So he cultivates an image as a budget hawk and responsible conservative. 

Let’s see how Ben reacts to raising the debt limit next year and to Trump’s likely budget busting spending and tax cuts. 

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