Before explaining my support for Deeds, I will point out that I have lots of respect for Brian Moran. While I hope Creigh gets the nomination, I hope Brian will try again. He has much to offer the people of Virginia. As for the other fellow in the race, I think he'd be a double-shot poison pill for Virginia Democrats - if nominated he will simultaneously divide the party while uniting Republicans. All the money in the world won't overcome that.
So, why the support for Creigh Deeds for Governor?
First, I've known the man for 12-15 years. He is honest, honorable, caring, smart, hardworking, and a host of other desirable characteristics we too rarely find in our public servants. A Governor Deeds will make Virginians proud.
Second, he is clearly the most immersed in policy and policy making of all of the candidates of either party. He's a bit of a policy wonk, but at the same time is steeped in the practical ins and outs of Richmond politics. Creigh knows the ropes and knows when to yank them hard and when to allow a little slack. He will be a get 'er done Governor.
Third, Creigh Deeds is our absolute best chance to beat reactionary Bob and a state and national GOP desperate for a win in Virginia. Creigh will unite Democrats, attract some moderate suburban Republicans, and pick up a majority of the independents. That is a winning combination for Virginia Democrats - a fact demonstrated by the likes of Warner, Kaine, and Webb.
Join me in voting for Creigh Deeds in the Democratic Primary. Together we'll carry on the tradition of responsive and good government in Virginia.